Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quest for Bedroom

A quest for bedroom furniture

So the bedroom will look somewhat like this, once I get enough money to buy the multi-functional desk (currently substituted by a square, plain and ugly but stupidly expensive wooden table), the single armed loveseat by the window, the rug, the executive chair (right now it’s a plain old wooden chair which actually doesn’t look too bad but honestly hurts my bottom a little), and most importantly, the L-shaped wardrobe.

Apparently, I need to prioritize the order of purchase for these desired items, so I decided to start by looking for a model of the desk first. I’ve been taking left-over work home recently, since i’ve spent more time texting at work than I’m allowed. But what usually ends up happening is that I finish my “working” night early, in bed, stomach up, with the laptop sitting on top of it, and the mouse flashing nonstop in my hand, my eyes closed. It is a very very ugly and health-damaging posture for a beautiful (yeah) and beautiful (yes) working professional like me, you can trust me on that.

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